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清末民初急剧的政治变革迫使杭州钱业不得不调整自己的政治立场、与地方政府的关系和自己的发展方式。这场政治变革的突然到来使得杭州钱业面临的危机充分地暴露出来。革命的冲击,造成杭州市面恐慌;新政府成立后大量发行军用票和公债,一定程度上加剧了杭州金融市场的紊乱;杭州钱业的竞争对手银行业在此次政治变革中得到新的发展机遇,给钱业的复苏与发展带来新的挑战。面对困局,钱业必须调整与浙江当局的关系,摸索出自己的生存之道。它一方面缩小营业规模,加强同业合作;另一方面积极寻求政府帮助。客观上讲,杭州钱业在新政府成立后,承担了一部分筹集军饷、维持政府财政的工作,但这种对新政府的经济贡献和支持,是建立在双方互利的基础之上的。尽管政权的更迭并没有从根本上改变钱业的生存方式,但革命对浙江社会经济格局的重新构建,改变了钱业的生存环境,这对杭州钱业的发展产生了深远影响。 The drastic political changes at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China forced Hangzhou’s money industry to adjust its own political stance, its relations with local governments and its own mode of development. The sudden arrival of this political change has fully exposed the crisis facing Hangzhou’s money industry. The impact of the revolution caused the market panic in Hangzhou. The mass issuance of military tickets and bonds after the establishment of the new government increased the disorder of the financial market in Hangzhou to a certain extent. The banking industry of Hangzhou Money Industry got new opportunities for development in this political change , Bring new challenges to the recovery and development of the money industry. Faced with the dilemma, the money industry must adjust its relations with the Zhejiang authorities and explore its own way of survival. On the one hand, it has reduced its business scale and strengthened cooperation with its counterparts. On the other hand, it actively sought government assistance. Objectively speaking, after the founding of the new government, Hangzhou Qianye undertook a part of its work to raise wages and maintain government finances. However, this economic contribution and support to the new government is based on the mutual benefit of both parties. Although the change of political power did not fundamentally change the way of life of the money industry, the rebuilding of the social and economic pattern in Zhejiang by the revolution changed the living environment of the money industry, which had a profound impact on the development of the money industry in Hangzhou.
“与其说是国家看到了长三角的重要性,还不如说长三角所提供的经验,恰恰有助于解决新时期国家发展面临的一系列重大问题。”  为什么是长三角?  《决策》:习近平总书记在进博会这样重大的国际场合,宣布长三角一体化上升为国家战略,背后有什么样的时代背景和战略深意?  石磊:为什么是长三角?改革开放特别是1991年浦东开放开发以来,长三角走了一条以开放引领改革之路,以开放对接国际市场,以开放用好两个市场资源