2015年,日本作业场所生产安全事故造成972人死亡,重伤11万6 311人,同比分别减少85人、3 224人,下降了8%和2.7%。从行业领域来看,建筑业生产安全事故死亡人数最多,占事故总死亡人数的33.6%,其次为制造业,占事故总死亡人数的16.5%。从事故严重等级来看,全年重大事故造成278人死亡,同比减少14人,下降了4.8%,重大事故死亡人数占事故总死亡人数的28.6%。职业安全健康
In 2015, production safety accidents at workplaces in Japan caused 972 deaths and 110,163 cases of serious injuries, down 85% and 3,224 respectively from the previous year, down 8% and 2.7% respectively. Judging from the field of industry, the construction industry produced the largest number of fatalities in safety accidents, accounting for 33.6% of the total number of fatal accidents, followed by manufacturing, accounting for 16.5% of the total number of fatal accidents. Judging from the grave severity of the accident, 278 fatalities were caused by major accidents in the year, a decrease of 14 compared with the same period of last year, a decrease of 4.8%. The death toll of major accidents accounted for 28.6% of the total number of fatal accidents. Occupational safety and health