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目的:探讨基于磁共振图像的全息影像及术中导航技术在机器人根治性前列腺切除术(RARP)中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2020年9—12月收治的5例前列腺癌患者的病例资料。平均年龄57(38~69)岁。术前均行MRI增强扫描,采集检查数据上传至全息分析规划系统工作站,建立全息影像模型。在术前用于手术规划。在术中与实时手术影像融合,用于术中导航。可以实时观察前列腺形态,肿瘤大小、位置,膀胱颈位置等信息。例1为高危前列腺癌,行RARP+扩大盆腔淋巴结清扫;例2为低危前列腺癌,行RARP,术中保留右侧神经血管束(NVB);例3为低危前列腺癌,行RARP,术中保留双侧NVB;例4为低危前列腺癌,行RARP,术中保留右侧NVB;例5为高危前列腺癌,行RARP+扩大盆腔淋巴结清扫,术中保留双侧NVB。结果:5例手术均顺利完成,无中转开放手术。平均手术时间161.7(160~250)min,平均术中估计出血量426.7(60~1 000)ml。病例1~5术后病理分期分别为pTn 3bNn 0期、pTn 2aNn 0期、pTn 2aNn 0期、pTn 2aNn 0期和pTn 3aNn 1期,例1和例5切缘阳性;5例均无远处转移(cMn 0期)。围手术期均未发生Clavien-Dindo Ⅱ级以上并发症。术后2周拔除导尿管,4例到达控尿。n 结论:全息影像术中导航技术在RARP的前列腺癌肿瘤控制、保护NVB、保护尿控功能和降低相关手术并发症方面有重要实用临床辅助作用。“,”Objective:To evaluate the clinical value of the holographic image and navigation in robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RARP) .Methods:From Sept. 2020 to Dec. 2020, 5 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in Beijing United Family Hospital were included in this study. The mean age was 57 years(38-69 years). Before the operation, the engineers established the holographic image based on the enhanced MRI images. The holographic images were used in pre-surgery planning. During the operation, the navigation was achieved by real time fusing holographic images with the robotic surgery endoscopic views. Some important structure such as prostate, bladder neck and the tumor could be observed and monitored in real time. The No.1 patient had high-risk prostate cancer, underwent RARP+ extended pelvic lymph node dissection; The No.2 patient had low-risk prostate cancer, underwent RARP, and the right side neurovascular bundle (NVB) was preserved; The No.3 patient had low-risk prostate cancer, underwent RARP, and the bilateral side NVB was preserved; The No.4 patient had low-risk prostate cancer, underwent RARP, and the right side NVB was preserved; The No.5 patient had high-risk prostate cancer, underwent RARP+ extended pelvic lymph node dissection, and the bilateral side NVB was preserved.Results:All the 5 cases surgeries were successful, no conversion to open surgery, the mean operation time was 161.7min (160-250min), the mean blood loss was 426.7 ml(60-1000 ml). The pathological results were pTn 3bNn 0 cMn 0, pTn 2aNn 0 cMn 0, pTn 2aNn 0 cMn 0, pTn 2aNn 0 cMn 0 and pTn 3aNn 1 cMn 0, respectively. There was no over Clavien Dindo Ⅱ perioperative complications. 4 patient achieved continence when catheter removal. The PSA level and erectile function were monitored in the follow up.n Conclusions:Holographic image navigation might have clinical value in RARP.
目的:评价红细胞来源外泌体对自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)增殖和分泌INF-γ的影响。方法:储存时间为14~21 d的5袋红细胞,采用ExoQuick试剂盒分离外泌体。应用磁珠法和流式细胞仪分离
每天夜幕降临,在江西省乐安县721社区古城辖区的健身广场上,你总会看到一位年逾古稀的老人。他中等个头,背微驼,却精神矍铄,手持扫把,清扫着健身广场飘零的树叶及杂物,給前来健身的居民营造一个干净的活动环境。他多年如一日,坚持义务清扫广场,成为古城辖区一道亮丽的风景线。他就是721社区古城管理站退休党员杨增祥。  一提起杨增祥,年老的同志都亲切地称他“老杨”。他为人朴实、真诚,待人和蔼可亲。老杨196