rare建筑事务所该建筑事务所成立于2005年创始人是Michel da Costa Goncalves和Nathalie Rozencwajg.在巴黎和伦敦设有办事处,事务所的指导思想是将实践研究和教育结合起来,在设计和实践领域应用新材料,创造新的建筑类型和领先的设计风格.在科研方面事务所关注在高密度城市中插入不同尺度的建筑物,通过满足当代需求预计未来趋势和技术的演变来调查研究当下的城市变化研究的成果体现在事务所遍布法国、比利时、意大利和英国的住宅项目中。Nathalie Rozencwajg
Rare Architects Founded in 2005 by Michel da Costa Goncalves and Nathalie Rozencwajg, the firm has offices in Paris and London, and its guiding philosophy is to combine practical research and education in designing and practicing The field of application of new materials to create a new type of architecture and leading design style in the field of scientific research firm concerned about the insertion of high-density cities at different scales of buildings, to meet the contemporary needs of the future trends and the evolution of technology to investigate the current research The result of urban change research is reflected in the firm’s residential projects in France, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom. Nathalie Rozencwajg