儿童肝母细胞瘤又名儿童性肝癌,很少见。多发生于2岁以下男孩。现将经X线、超声、CT诊断,手术、病理证实的1例报告如下: 患儿,女,4.5岁,4月前无诱因发烧达39℃。查体见患儿消瘦、精神差。心、肺未见异常。右上腹包块,肝下缘于右肋缘下8cm、剑突下5cm可触及、质地中等,无压痛。浅表淋巴结不大。化验:肝功能正常,甲胎蛋白(AFP)<20ug/1,血沉:130mm/h。 超声显示肝右后叶,右肾上极处见5.6cm×5.
Child hepatoblastoma, also known as childhood liver cancer, is rare. Occurred in boys under 2 years old. Now by X ray, ultrasound, CT diagnosis, surgery, pathology confirmed in 1 case reported as follows: children, female, 4.5 years old, no incentive to fever before April 39 ℃. Physical examination to see children wasting, poor spirit. Heart, lung no abnormalities. The right upper quadrant mass, under the edge of the liver under the right costal margin 8cm, 5cm below the xiphoid can reach, medium texture, no tenderness. Superficial lymph nodes are not. Assay: normal liver function, AFP <20ug / 1, erythrocyte sedimentation rate: 130mm / h. Ultrasound showed the right posterior lobe of the liver, the right upper pole to see 5.6cm × 5.