Construction of a Full-Length cDNA Library of Gossypium hirsutum L. and Identification of Two MADS-B

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bsqtld0
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A full-length normalized cDNA library for the flower development stages of short-season cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (CCRI36) was constructed. A total of 3 421 clones were randomly selected for sequencing, with a total of 3 175 effective sequences obtained after removal of empty-carriers and low-quality sequences. Clustering the 3 175 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) resulted in a set of 2 906 non-redundant sequences comprised of 233 contigs and 2 673 singletons. Comparative analyses indicated that 913 (43.6%) of the unigenes had homologues with function-known genes or function-assumed genes in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. In addition, 763 (36.4%) of the unigenes were functionally classified using Gene Ontology hierarchy. Through EST alignment and the screening method, the full-length cDNA of two MADS-box genes viz., GhMADS11 and GhMADS12 were acquired. These genes may play a role in flower development. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that GhMADS11 and GhMADS12 had high homology and close evolutionary relationship with AGL2/SEP-type and PI-type genes, respectively. The expression of both GhMADS11 and GhMADS12, genes was high in reproductive organs. In floral organs, GhMADS11 expression was high in petals (whorl2) and ovules, while GhMADS12 expression was high in petals (whorl2) and stamens (whorl3). Results show that the EST strategy based on a normalized cDNA library is an effective method for gene identification. The study provides more insights for future molecular research on the regulation mechanism of cotton flower development. A full-length normalized cDNA library for the flower development stages of short-season cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (CCRI36) was constructed. A total of 3 421 clones were randomly selected for sequencing, with a total of 3 175 effective cells Clustering of 3 175 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) resulted in a set of 2 906 non-redundant sequences comprised of 233 contigs and 2 673 singletons. Comparative analyzes that 913 (43.6%) of the unigenes had homologues with function-known genes or function-assuming genes in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. In addition, 763 (36.4%) of the unigenes were functionally classified using Gene Ontology hierarchy. Through EST alignment and The screening method, the full-length cDNA of two MADS-box genes viz., GhMADS11 and GhMADS12 were acquired. These genes may play a role in flower development. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that GhMADS11 an The GhMADS12 had high homology and close evolutionary relationship with AGL2 / SEP-type and PI-type genes, respectively. The expression of both GhMADS11 and GhMADS12, genes was high in reproductive organs. In floral organs, GhMADS11 expression was high in petals (whorl2 ) and ovules, while GhMADS12 expression was high in petals (whorl2) and stamens (whorl3). Results show that the EST strategy based on a normalized cDNA library is an effective method for gene identification. The study provides more insights for future molecular research on the regulation mechanism of cotton flower development.
本文研究稀土离子-核酸体系的二级散射光谱,根据Tb(Ⅲ)和RNA二级散射现象,测定了RNA,其线性范围和检出限分别为2.0×10-8~2.0×10-5gmL-1和1.96ngmL-1。  本文基于银纳米对Tb(
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把最广大人民群众的切身利益实现好 ,维护好 ,发展好 ,把人民群众的积极性引导好 ,发挥好 ,保护好 ,这是总结改革开放和现代化建设实践得出的一条重要经验 ,也是党的群众观点
本期有关自民国黑白影社到20世纪80年代,潜心专研、实践于摄影的重要摄影家——卢施福先生的专题制作过程中,适逢一位年轻的摄影教师到访编辑部,她默默地看完这上百页的打样后,平静地甩下一句话:这就是《中国摄影》该干的事!  有这样专业的读者以及他们的期待,甚至是批评,一直是编辑部工作的动力。  三四个月前,编辑部经过反复论证,确定选题后,专题编辑便多次前往合肥了解情况,反复查阅、分析卢施福存世的约六千
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