1. 前言内岱选矿厂用SO_2法以部分全浮选方式,优先浮选Cu·Pb—Zn—Py—Ba,处理内岱和上向矿床果出的黑矿,每月处理矿石量约40,000吨。内岱、上向两矿床伴生于主要由绢云母、绿泥石等粘士矿物形成的粘土层中,粘土矿物构成了原矿中的矿泥,约占10~20%。这些微细的矿泥,严重的影响着有价矿物的分离浮选,因此采用了原矿洗矿后,再经旋流器等分级设备从块矿中分级出矿泥,在矿泥系统单独处理。但是以往的矿泥处理方法仍存在一些问题需要加以解决,例如,为强化矿泥分级于82年10月引进了螺旋型分级器。本文主要谈及矿泥处理系统的生产概况和所存在的问题。
1. INTRODUCTION The Nei Dai concentrator, with partial flotation and partial flotation, preferentially flotates Cu · Pb-Zn-Py-Ba by means of the SO_2 process to treat the black ore from Inner Dai and uplifting deposits and treats about 40,000 ore per month Ton. Nei Dai and Shangliao deposits are associated with clay deposits formed mainly by sericite, chlorite and other clay minerals. Clay minerals form the ore in the ore, accounting for 10-20%. These fine slimes have a serious impact on the separation and flotation of valuable minerals. Therefore, after the raw ore is washed, the slimes are sorted out from the lump ore by a cyclone and other classification equipment to be treated separately in the slime system. However, there are still some problems that need to be solved in the past sludge treatment methods. For example, the spiral classifier was introduced in October of 1982 to strengthen the sludge classification. This paper mainly talked about the production of sludge treatment system overview and problems.