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“信”的起源历史悠久,甲骨文中就有了。从造字方式看,左边是人,右边是言,意思是人说话要负责,要说到做到,言而有信,即诚实、守信。这是造字者的本义,也是信字最早的解释,之后又引申出信奉、相信、随意、凭证、信使、书信、信息等含义。其中,信使、书信与邮政的关系最为密切。信使就是送信的人,即今天的邮递员,书信投递曾经是邮政的主营业务。可以说,近代邮政就起源于“信”。人类与书信为伴,延续了数千年。曾几何时,人们发现,写寄书信不再是日常必需,而代之以电话、邮件、短信,有人戏言现在是“言而无信”了。我想,此“言而无信”应包含两层意思,一是人们联络不再使用 “Letter ” has a long history of origin, there is in Oracle. From the way of making characters, people on the left and words on the right mean that people should be responsible for what they say and do what they say and believe, that is, honesty and trustworthiness. This is the original meaning of the creator, but also the earliest explanation of the letter, and then extended to believe, believe, random, voucher, messenger, letters, information and other implications. Among them, the messenger, correspondence and postal most closely. Messenger is the messenger, that is today’s postman, mail delivery used to be postal’s main business. It can be said that modern postal originated from “letter”. Human beings and correspondence, for thousands of years. Once upon a time, people found that writing letters was no longer routine and replaced by telephone, mail, and text messages. Some people are jokingly saying that it is “without words”. I think this “words without words ” should contain two meanings, one is that people are no longer connected to use
最近我收到一封陌生大学生Zanele Mutepfa写来的约见信,她在信里说:“有些人可能觉得相信一个陌生人很奇怪,但事实上每个人都曾获得过陌生人的信任,正因为这样,我们才能走到
通过列举实例,讨论晶体管放大电路的图解分析法,指出点斜法画直流负载线和交流负载线时应该注意的问题。 By enumerating the examples and discussing the graphic analysis
Chapter One Containerization During the rapid and stable development of China’s economy and foreign trade, coastal ports act as windows for the nation to join
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