Due to work needs, many couples have to separate. Children in families separated from each other generally live beside their mothers. Therefore, they often listen to some fathers saying that they should admit their children, not kissing him, and so on. In fact, these non-children’s fathers love their children as much as the children’s mothers. To some extent, their love for their children is even deeper than their mothers. The reason for the occurrence of father and son births is mainly because children lack the opportunity to feel their father’s love. Paternal love is indispensable to children and has a significant impact on children’s ability to form good psychological qualities and personality traits. Therefore, both spouses separated from each other should take responsibility and make practical efforts to create opportunities for children to feel their father’s love. From the very beginning of my life, my mother should often be the father to the distant introduction of children in the womb, and in the “prenatal care” with the child “to talk about” about his father’s content, listen to tapes of his father’s voice . When the child is about to be born, it is better for the father to return home to visit relatives so that the child can see his father as soon as he is born, so as to establish the initial impression between father and son.