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选用6个白肋烟品种采用GriffingII双列杂交模型设计21个基因型处理,基于加-显模型研究分析白肋烟4个主要经济性状和2个品质性状的杂种优势及其遗传特性。结果表明白肋烟杂种优势在各主要经济、品质性状间及杂交组合间的表现存在差异,其中,上等烟率具有较强的群体平均优势表现,群体平均优势结果与纯显性效应△值的分析结果一致,产量、产值、均价、上等烟率、烟碱表现为正向杂种优势,总氮含量表现为较强的负向群体平均优势;上等烟率表现出明显的正向群体超亲优势,总氮含量表现较强的负向群体超亲优势,产值、均价性状表现出较小的正向群体超亲优势,产量和烟碱含量表现出较弱的负向超亲优势。6个性状的广义遗传率(HB)在0.21-0.66之间,表明白肋烟主要经济、品质性状的表型变异受环境及随机误差的影响较大;狭义遗传率(HN)大小顺序为,烟碱>产量>均价>产值、上等烟率、总氮。遗传效应方差分量估算结果表明产值、上等烟率、总氮含量的遗传变异主要表现显性效应,产量、均价和烟碱含量的遗传变异由加性效应和显性效应控制。 Six genotypes of Burley tobacco were used to design 21 genotypes using GriffingII double-line hybridization model, and the heterosis and genetic characteristics of four main economic traits and two quality traits of Burley tobacco were analyzed based on additive-significant model. The results showed that the performance of Burley tobacco heterosis in the major economic, quality traits and hybrid combinations there are differences, of which, the superior tobacco smoke population has a strong average performance, the population average dominance effect and dominance effect △ value The results showed that the yield, the output value, the average price, the superior tobacco rate, the nicotine showed the positive heterosis, and the total nitrogen content showed the strong negative group average superiority; the superior tobacco rate showed the obvious positive Population super-pro-dominant, total nitrogen content showed strong negative group super-parents advantage, output value, average price traits showed smaller positive group super-parents superiority, yield and nicotine content showed weaker negative super-pro Advantage. The generalized heritability (HB) of the 6 traits ranged from 0.21 to 0.66, indicating that the phenotypic variation of major economic and quality traits in Burley were greatly influenced by environmental and random errors. The narrow heritability (HN) Nicotine> Output> Average price> Production value, Superior smoke rate, Total nitrogen The results of variance estimation of genetic effects showed that the genetic variation of the production value, the superior tobacco rate and the total nitrogen content mainly showed the dominant effect. The genetic variation of the yield, the average price and the nicotine content was controlled by the additive effect and the dominant effect.
一个重视学习的政党,才是一个有希望的政党;一个善于学习的社会,才是一个充满活力的社会。 A political party that emphasizes learning is only a hopeful political part
序言就冬虫夏草的现代工业化培植在生物经济时代与人类健康事业中的意义作了简单评述。同时,还就我国冬虫夏草现代化产业通过“一带一路”平台走向世界予以展望。 The prefa