Six genotypes of Burley tobacco were used to design 21 genotypes using GriffingII double-line hybridization model, and the heterosis and genetic characteristics of four main economic traits and two quality traits of Burley tobacco were analyzed based on additive-significant model. The results showed that the performance of Burley tobacco heterosis in the major economic, quality traits and hybrid combinations there are differences, of which, the superior tobacco smoke population has a strong average performance, the population average dominance effect and dominance effect △ value The results showed that the yield, the output value, the average price, the superior tobacco rate, the nicotine showed the positive heterosis, and the total nitrogen content showed the strong negative group average superiority; the superior tobacco rate showed the obvious positive Population super-pro-dominant, total nitrogen content showed strong negative group super-parents advantage, output value, average price traits showed smaller positive group super-parents superiority, yield and nicotine content showed weaker negative super-pro Advantage. The generalized heritability (HB) of the 6 traits ranged from 0.21 to 0.66, indicating that the phenotypic variation of major economic and quality traits in Burley were greatly influenced by environmental and random errors. The narrow heritability (HN) Nicotine> Output> Average price> Production value, Superior smoke rate, Total nitrogen The results of variance estimation of genetic effects showed that the genetic variation of the production value, the superior tobacco rate and the total nitrogen content mainly showed the dominant effect. The genetic variation of the yield, the average price and the nicotine content was controlled by the additive effect and the dominant effect.