据统计,目前全球每年约有125万人死于交通事故。在所有交通事故中,大约90%都是由于人为失误引起的。而自动驾驶车辆既不会超速,也不会酒驾,更不会存在疲劳驾驶和因突发状况影响判断的情况。那么,能降低交通事故发生率的自动驾驶汽车会是什么样子呢?采埃孚的概念车Vision Zero为我们提供了一些答案。Vision Zero车的动力来源于150 k W电动车桥驱动
According to statistics, at present, about 1.25 million people die of traffic accidents each year in the world. About 90% of all traffic accidents are caused by human error. However, autonomous vehicles will neither speeding nor drunk driving, nor will they experience fatigue driving and judgment due to unexpected situations. So what would happen to a self-driving car that could reduce the incidence of traffic accidents? Vision Zero, ZF’s concept car, gives us some answers. The power of the Vision Zero car comes from a 150 kw electric axle drive