作为一线的教师,我们生活在教育金字塔的最底层,我们承受着巨大的考试压力,我们拿着微薄的仅够养活自己的薪水,并且我们也越来越感受到下岗的威胁,甚至我们在教育别人孩子的同时却无力顾及自己的孩子……这一切我们都应该无怨无悔,只因为我们是教师。那么,教师是什么?尤其是在即将进入新课程的今天,教师是什么? 教师是冲锋陷阵的士兵。因为处在改革的最前沿,我们没有退缩的余地,前面也没有经验可供借鉴。我们不会忘记,正是20多年前小岗村18位村民冒着坐牢和杀头的危险实行“大包干”,成为具有划时代意义的历史事件,从而正式揭开了中国农村改革的序幕。所以, 作为教师,我们不能靠等待,更不能依赖别人,我们要积极投入到课程改革的浪潮中去,勇于探索,做时代的弄潮儿,因为时不我待,一有迟疑就会被新课程带来的冲击波所淘汰。
As a front-line teacher, we live at the bottom of the educational pyramid. We are under tremendous pressure to take the exam. We have a meager salary to support ourselves. And we are increasingly feeling the threat of being laid off. Even our education Other people’s children are unable to take care of their children at the same time ... All of this we should have no regrets, just because we are teachers. So, what is a teacher, especially in the upcoming new course today, what is the teacher? Teachers are assault soldiers. Because we are at the forefront of reform, we have no room for retreat and we have no previous experience to learn from. We will never forget that it was just over 20 years ago that 18 villagers in Xiaogang Village, having risked their imprisonment and beheadings, practiced “big bales of dry land” and became epoch-making historical events, thus officially opening the prelude to China’s rural reform. Therefore, as teachers, we can not rely on waiting, we can not rely on others, we should actively devote themselves to the wave of curriculum reform, the courage to explore, to be the era of beach-goers, because do not wait, once hesitated will be shock wave caused by the new curriculum Eliminated.