有“经济头脑”的技术人作为一名技术人员,李文华有着“术业有专攻”的扎实功底和态度意识;但他却又总能跳出“专攻术业”的思维局限,去面向市场,去创造经济效益。1990年,李文华获全额奖学金赴美留学,在1994年获美国University of Toledo电子工程博士学位;攻读博士期间,他在国际核心期刊上发表了多篇论文。在全美最大的包裹邮递公司UPS实习期
As a technician, Li Wenhua has a solid foundation and attitude toward “specializing in the arts industry.” However, he is always out of the thinking limitation of “specializing in the art industry.” , To face the market, to create economic benefits. In 1990, Li Wenhua received a full scholarship to study in the United States. In 1994, he received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toledo in the United States. During his Ph.D. study, he published numerous papers in international core journals. UPS internship at the nation’s largest parcel post company