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研究马克思主义民主集中制理论,要历史地具体地分析马克思主义创始人所提出的无产阶级政党的建党组织原则,辩证地分析民主与集中的内在关系,并始终站在马克思主义建党理论的立场上。由此,能够体现无产阶级政党本质的组织原则就是民主集中制。如果把无产阶级政党的组织原则仅仅理解为所谓的民主制,不但容易把无产阶级政党降低为资产阶级政党的水平,而且会丧失无产阶级先锋队的作用。通过回顾毛泽东思想、中国特色社会主义理论体系对民主集中制原则的阐述与发展,可以得出,民主集中制是我们党和国家的根本制度,也是最行之有效的制度,永远不能丢,更不能把它视为其他非无产阶级政党的组织原则。 Studying the Marxist theory of democratic centralism, we must historically and concretely analyze the principle of establishing a proletarian party founded by the founder of Marxism, and dialectically analyze the intrinsic relationship between democracy and concentration, and always stand on the position of Marxist party building theory . Thus, the organizing principle that can embody the essence of the proletarian party is democratic centralism. If we simply understand the principle of the organization of proletarian parties as the so-called democratic system, it is not only easy to lower the proletarian parties to the level of bourgeois parties, but also to lose the role of the vanguard of the proletariat. By reviewing Mao Zedong Thought and the elaboration and development of the principle of democratic centralism by the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it can be concluded that democratic centralism is the fundamental system and the most effective system of our party and state, and can never be discarded. It can not be regarded as the organizing principle of other non-proletarian parties.
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