看了《金钱绞索上的情侣》这篇真实的故事,心情很不平静,觉得有些地方很能发人思考。 第一,这一对农村知识青年在婚姻问题上的遭遇是比较典型的。随着农村中知识分子的增多,他们要求摆脱封建陋习,反对家庭包办,争取婚姻自主的愿望更加强烈。因此,当前农村中(尤其是边远、偏僻、文化落后的地方)在买卖婚姻问题上的斗争也比过去更加尖锐了。 由于社会主义经济制度和政治制度的巩固,在我国广大农村中,革命的意识形态已经居于主导地位,但封建思想等传统观点和习惯势力仍然保持着相当广泛的影响。特别是十年浩劫使种种沉渣重新泛起,买卖婚姻以及许多陈规陋习又盛行起来。特别值得注意的是,近几年来随着农村中某些改革措施的推行,有些
After reading the true story of Couple on Money Noose, I was not in a very calm mood and thought I could think in some places. First, this encounter with marital knowledge youth on the issue of marriage is more typical. As the number of intellectuals in the countryside increased, they demanded to get rid of the feudal bad habits, oppose the arrangement of the family and strive for the autonomy of marriage more strongly. Therefore, the current struggle in the rural areas (especially remote, isolated and culturally backward places) is more acute than in the past. Due to the consolidation of the socialist economic and political systems, revolutionary ideology has taken the leading position in the vast rural areas of our country. However, traditional feudal ideologies and customary forces still maintain a fairly extensive influence. In particular, the devastation of the decade brought the resurgence of sediments, the sale of marriage and the proliferation of stereotypes. Of particular note is that in recent years with the implementation of some reform measures in rural areas, some