《上海消防》杂志从1979年1月创刊,至今年9月正好出版第200期,在《上海消防》出版100期时,我参加了庆祝座谈会,讲了100期是里程碑,现在一晃8年过去了,杂志到了200期,我认为200期同样也是里程碑。 《上海消防》杂志是上海消防界的喉舌,代表性刊物,是具有很强的专业性与权威性的杂志。刊物最近三、五年有很大进步,前年由32页改为48页,扩大了容量,今年改大16开本,与国际接轨,又上了一个新台阶,发行数量也在不断地增加。《上海消防》的进步发展,我认为是坚持了正确的办刊宗旨和方向。一个刊物能得到社会的认
Shanghai Fire started its publication from January 1979 to the very first issue of the 200th issue in September of this year. At the 100th issue of “Shanghai Firefighting,” I participated in the celebration forum and talked about 100 milestones and now I have flown for 8 years In the past, the magazine reached 200, I think the 200 is also a milestone. “Shanghai Fire” magazine is the mouthpiece of Shanghai’s fire protection industry, the representative of the publication, is a very strong professional and authoritative magazine. The publication has made great strides in the recent three to five years. The previous year was changed from 32 pages to 48 pages, expanding its capacity. This year, it has enlarged its capital structure and is in line with international standards. It has also reached a new level and the number of its publications is constantly increasing. “Shanghai Fire” progress and development, I think it is to uphold the correct purpose and direction of running a journal. A publication can get social recognition