“Drama Director’s Collection - Zhu Wenxiang Optional” finally published, this is the crystallization of Zhu Wenxiong life of his brother, but also his deathbed before his life career summary. At the Memorandum of Understanding held by the Chinese Opera Academy last year, interpreting the academic achievements of Wen Xiongxiong, his benefactors see the benevolence, the wise men see the wisdom, each has their own opinions. However, with my many years of observation, I think that after Wen Xiangxiong has consciously or unconsciously conducted an exploration of the performing arts of the Chinese school since his “Cultural Revolution” before the “Cultural Revolution,” his achievement is also based on The Chinese school of performing arts has done the most complete exposition and analysis so far. Just because of various reasons, did not have time to do a comprehensive and systematic order of their own point of view.