C0-C3phenols can be detected from crude oil by C18 stationary phase extraction. Only a small amount of crude oil, phenolic compounds, marine oil phenolic compounds abundance higher than the continental oil, may indicate that the type of the original organic matter better crude oil rich in phenolic compounds. It is found that the total phenolic compounds in the crude oils with different genetic types of continental and marine phases are similar in distribution and have the same compound types and peak groups distribution. However, there are some differences in the relative distribution. The continental oil is relatively enriched in long chain substituted phenols (ethyl, Propyl phenol) and poly (methyl phenol) (trimethyl phenol), may reflect the structural differences of the original parent. Alkylphenols can exhibit similar migration and fractionation effects as azole-containing compounds, but the factors that control the distribution of phenolic compounds are not exactly the same as nitrogen-containing compounds. In addition to maternal and hydrocarbon migration factors, the distribution of alkylphenols in crude oil may also be related to maturity and oil-water-rock interaction.