Proteomic study provides new clues for complications of hemodialysis caused by dialysis membrane

来源 :Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ubqazw
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The complications of hemodialysis accompanied the hemodialysis and threaten the patients’life.Besides the loss of nutrient substance,such as amino acid and vitamin,we found new clues that the adsorbed proteins on common-used polysulfone-based dialysis membrane might be the reason according to the qualitative proteomic study by ionic liquid assisted sample preparation method.Our results indicated that the adsorbed proteins on the membrane were related with complement activation,blood coagulation,and leukocyte-related biological process.The quantitative proteome further demonstrated some significant changes of signal proteins in the post-dialysis plasma after the hemodialysis,such as beta-2-microglobulin and platelet factor-4,which would further verify these new clues. The complications of hemodialysis accompanied the hemodialysis and threaten the patients’life. Besides the loss of nutrient substance, such as amino acid and vitamin, we found new clues that the adsorbed proteins on common-used polysulfone-based dialysis membrane might be the reason according. to the qualitative proteomic study by ionic liquid assisted sample preparation method. Our results indicated that the adsorbed proteins on the membrane were related with complement activation, blood coagulation, and leukocyte-related biological process. The quantitative proteome further demonstrated some significant changes of signal proteins in the post-dialysis plasma after the hemodialysis, such as beta-2-microglobulin and platelet factor-4, which would further verify these new clues.
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