基于电子标签设计了仓储物流控制系统,给出了组成系统的软硬件设施,阐述了系统方案的设计思路。该控制系统在电子标签读写的实现过程中运用了电子标签读写器;在通信的设计中采用了OPC技术与组态软件,并通过PLC控制器实现对物流的控制;SQL Server数据库中录入了物品和仓库信息,并通过访问数据库实现信息的存自动存储、查询和删除。运用该系统物品出/入库以及库内移动操作都得以实现,为物流控制及其管理与电子标签技术的结合提供了较好的应用实例。
Based on the electronic label, a warehousing and logistics control system is designed. The software and hardware facilities that make up the system are given. The design ideas of the system plan are expounded. The control system in the realization of the electronic label read and write the use of electronic tag reader; communication design using OPC technology and configuration software, and through the PLC controller to achieve the logistics control; SQL Server database entry The goods and warehouse information, and access to the database to save the information stored automatically query and delete. The use of the system of goods out of warehousing and warehouse operations are to be achieved for the logistics control and management and electronic label technology to provide a better combination of examples.