On September 18, 2011, at 7:40 pm, the original large-scale historical drama series “Su Wu Shepherd” of the Henan Provincial Henan Opera Troupe performed its performance in the Railway Culture Palace of Zhengzhou City. The relevant leaders, judges from Henan Opera Festival and more than one thousand viewers from all walks of life of the provincial capital watched the performance. “Su Wu Shepherd ” is both found in historical records, but also widely circulated in the folk story. The opera “Su Wu Mu Shepherd” has carried on the appropriate artistic fiction on the basis of the history books and Peking Opera, raccoon and other similar names. In Su Wu refused to surrender, the grazing of the North Sea as the main line at the same time, the surrender of the Huns general Li Ling and Su Wu association exhort to contrast against Huns Nu A Yun