After the discovery of mammalian fossils in Lushi Basin in Henan Province (1938), Zhouming Town (1957) collected large quantities of Late Pleistocene mammalian fossils in the Mengjiapo area and established the Lushi Formation (layer). Henan fourth geological brigade will be the third of the Lushi Basin bottom-up into the Lushi group, Hejiagou group and Dayu group. Tong Yongsheng and Wang Jingwen discovered the late Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblage in Hoe Hook Valley in 1979 and divided the Early Tertiary strata of Lushi Basin into Lushi Formation (including Shilipu Formation), Huxianyu Formation Valley group. New Hoe Hook Valley group, although the fossil from the Lushi Hook hook valley trench, but the integrity of the stratigraphic section