3月6日,备受社会广泛关注的“中原打黑第一案”登封白沙湖王松黑社会性质犯罪团伙案在郑州市中级人民法院审判庭公开审理。 嵩山,以其雄伟峻峭的山势和千年古刹少林寺而名扬世界。但1995年以来,这里却肆虐着一个以王松为首横行乡里、欺压百姓的黑社会性质犯罪团伙。几年来,该团伙枪杀致死7人,重伤12人,疯狂作案100多起。 王松,现年45岁,1998年成立嵩峰企业集团,自任董事长。曾是登封市政协第一届委员、登封市宣化镇一届一次人大代表。他的集团总公司下设水产公司、松颍避暑山庄等经营部门。为了大敛不义之财,王松竟公然在白沙湖内建造一红一白两艘大船。白船专供开设赌场,四处招揽赌徒,
On March 6, the “Central Plains crackdown in the first case” plagued by widespread social concern was conducted in the trial by the Zhengzhou Intermediate People’s Court Trial Chamber. Songshan, with its majestic steep mountains and the Millennium Temple Shaolin Temple and famous world. However, since 1995, there has been a rampant criminal syndicate of gangsters who use Wangsong to run rampant towns and oppress the people. In recent years, the gang shot dead seven people, seriously injured 12 people, crazy crime more than 100. Wang Song, aged 45, founded Songfeng Enterprise Group in 1998 and served as chairman of the board. He was the first member of Dengfeng City CPPCC, Dengfeng City Xuanhua town once NPC deputies. His group company consists of aquatic companies, Songshan Mountain Resort operators. In order to curb the unjust enrichment, Wang Song actually blatantly built a red and white two ships in Pak Sha Lake. White boat designed for the creation of casinos, gambling around to attract gamblers,