风水观念在洋务活动中究竟产生了什么影响 ?学术界尚无专文系统探讨。本文认为 ,风水观作为一种深厚的、广泛存在的历史传统 ,被顽固派拿来作为攻击铁路、电报、开矿等近代化事业的主要借口 ,阻碍了洋务事业的发展进程。但在维护自然生态平衡的科学观念尚未成为民间自觉的主流意识时 ,风水观客观上起到了保护自然生态环境的进步作用。
What is the impact of the concept of Feng Shui in the Westernization Movement? There is no academic system in the academic community yet. This article holds that the concept of Feng Shui is a profound and widespread historical tradition and was used by the die-hards as the main excuse for attacking the modernization of the railway, telegraph and mining and hindered the development of the Westernization. However, the scientific concept of maintaining the natural ecological balance has not yet become the mainstream awareness of the private consciousness. Therefore, the concept of Feng Shui has played a progressive role in protecting the natural ecological environment.