Through exhaustive search for the words of “Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua”, the systematic comparison and comparison of related words are made. It can be assumed that the word “” is a corrupted character of “”, and “趍 ” and “sip”, “sip” in “sip earn” mean the same word . In the following documents of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, “sip”, “earn”, “coax” have the same meaning and can be combined into synonymous compound words and can be arbitrarily arranged and combined. The Chinese-language dictionaries tend to be “duó,” a formal writing of the word meaning “deceiving”. However, in early textbooks, there was no “kidding ” meaning even in the “掇 ”. Its early writing style is “”, “誃 ” and so on, recorded is a dialect spoken words, the effect is to say good things coaxing. Writing “掇 ” is homonymic borrowing, writing “sip ” is a further analogy. Writing “趍 ” character form only found in “Jin Ping Mei words” in two cases, but also on the specific context of “coax away” meaning of temporary creation of new forms of sound. The newly created folk characters are more likely to be copied in the wrong, so there has been “■ ” a form.