一提起隐形技术,人们就会想到在海湾战争中出尽风头的 F-117A 隐形战斗轰炸机。它以精心设计的独特隐身外形,轻而易举地避开了伊军防空雷达网,在巴格达上空投下了第一枚激光制导炸弹;它担负了空袭巴格达任务的95%,却在“领衔轰炸”中不失一机,其卓越的表现使人们不得不对隐形技术刮目相看。其实,隐形技术的应用领域远不止飞机一种。现代战争中,各种侦察设备遍布战场各个角落,能实施高精度、全天侯侦察;各种精确制导武器又具有“发现即命中、命中即摧毁”的超凡性能。在这种战场环境下,各种武器系统面临的一个重要问题就是如何隐蔽自己不被敌方发现,因此隐形技术一出现就倍受人们青睐,其应用领域也迅速扩大。
Mentioning the stealth F-117A stealth fighter-bomber that drew the limelight during the Gulf War came to mind. With a well-designed unique stealth profile, it eschewed the Iraqi air defense radar network with ease and dropped its first laser-guided bomb over Baghdad. It shouldered 95% of the air strike in Baghdad but was “leading the bombing” Without losing a machine, its excellent performance so that people have to scrutinize stealth technology. In fact, the application of invisible technology far more than a plane. In modern warfare, all kinds of reconnaissance equipment are deployed in every corner of the battlefield and can carry out high-precision and all-day reconnaissance; all kinds of precision-guided weapons also have the extraordinary performance of “finding, hitting, hitting, destroying”. Under such a battlefield environment, an important issue that various weapon systems face is how to conceal themselves from being discovered by the enemy. Therefore, as soon as the invisible technology appeared, people became more and more popular, and their fields of application also expanded rapidly.