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清朝朝鲜边民迁入延边地区大致分为三个阶段:第一个阶段是清初期因战争被掳至满洲贵族庄园劳作的包衣;第二个阶段是封禁期间非法越境,以狩猎、挖参、垦荒为主的朝鲜边民;第三个阶段是1860年因朝鲜北部自然灾害而大规模迁入,这一时期的大规模迁入使移民数量迅速增大,究竟是“刷还”还是入籍,使清廷和朝鲜政府陷入两难。沙俄的入侵引发严重的东疆危机,清朝部分具有远见卓识的大臣看到了处理朝鲜垦民问题的新对策。垦民聚集使封禁政策名存实亡,清政府顺应时势开始移民实边,对朝鲜移民规划入籍,从而拉开了朝鲜移民开发延边地区的序幕。这段历史中,朝鲜边民在各个时期的作用不同,封禁时期朝鲜边民的犯越一方面盗取我国境内名贵药材、猎物等自然资源;另一方面开垦土地,试种水田,成为近代延边经济开拓者。本文以朝鲜边民对延边地区开发为主线,对清朝封禁政策和朝鲜边民犯越做了一个细致的阐述,从推动延边地区近代经济发展的角度对朝鲜边民的作用给予肯定。 The Qing Dynasty North Koreans moved to Yanbian area can be divided into three stages: the first stage is the early qing dynasty war captivity Manchu aristocratic manor work coat; The second stage is the illegal transboundary during the ban, hunting, digging ginseng, Reclamation-based North Koreans; the third phase was the large-scale relocation in 1860 due to the natural disasters in the northern part of North Korea. During this period, the massive migration led to the rapid increase in the number of immigrants, whether it is “brush back” or naturalization , So that the Qing government and North Korea into a dilemma. The tsarist Russia’s invasion triggered a serious crisis in East Xinjiang. Some of the far-sighted Ministers in the Qing Dynasty saw new tactics to deal with North Korean reclamation. Reclamation gathered so that the ban policy was in place, the Qing government conform to the trend began to resettle the real side, naturalization of North Korean immigrants planning, which opened the prelude to the development of Yanbian by North Korean immigrants. During this period of history, the North Koreans played different roles in each period. During the period of the embargo, the Vietnamese border people steal natural resources such as precious medicinal materials and prey in our country. On the other hand, they reclaimed the land and experimented with paddy fields and became the economic pioneer of Yanbian in modern times By. This article takes North Koreans to develop the Yanbian area as the main line, and makes a detailed elaboration on the banning policies of the Qing Dynasty and North Koreans. It affirms the function of North Korean people from the angle of promoting the economic development in Yanbian area.
神州艳装盛会开,华夏欢歌新纪来。改革开放建伟业,科学教育展宏才。辉煌成就昭日月,灿烂前程暖心怀。承前启后担重任,龙腾宇宙雄万载。欢庆十六大@杨丽萍 China Yanzhuang event