参与创建中国共产党的中共“一大”代表何叔衡,是苏区德高望重的革命先驱,在群众中享有崇高的威望。他担任“中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府工农检察人民委员部部长”兼“苏维埃最高法庭主席”,善于调查研究,坚持秉公执法,顶住各种干扰,被广大群众誉为“何青天”、苏区“包公”。 1932年5月,一封举报瑞金县委组织部长陈景魁的信送到何叔衡手中,信中说陈景魁滥用职权,向群众摊派索要财物,利用地痞流氓欺压群众……何叔衡阅后一怔:共产党内竟有这等“组织部长”!他决定亲自带几个人到黄柏村进行调查。
He Shuheng, a representative of the “big one” of the Communist Party of China who participated in the founding of the CPC, is a highly respected revolutionary pioneer in the Soviet region and enjoys a high prestige among the masses. He is the minister of the procuratorial people’s committee of workers and peasants procuratorate of the interim Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic and the chairman of the supreme court of the Soviet Union. He is good at investigating and researching, upholding the principle of impartiality and law enforcement, standing in line with all kinds of interference, being praised by the masses as “He Qingtian” Bao Gong. “ In May 1932, a letter on behalf of Ruijin County Party Committee Minister Chen Jingkui was sent to He Shuheng. The letter said that Chen Jingkui abused its power to apportion money to the masses and used bullpup to bully the masses ...... He Shuheng After reading Yizheng: In the Communist Party This ”organizing minister"! He decided to personally bring a few people to Huangbai village for investigation.