The International Seismological Center (ISC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization whose primary mission is to produce authoritative Earth Seismic Activity Reporting. Seismological Center of the International Seismological Center reported seismicity for 50 years (1960-2011). In recent years, due to the increasing number of global stations, the number of seismic phases reported, especially the number of events, has dramatically increased. Similar ray paths can cause associated travel time prediction errors due to the absence of global inhomogeneities in the model, leading to underestimation of positioning uncertainty and adverse network geometry and positioning deviations. As a result, the more distributed and unevenly distributed stations around the world, the less assumptions made in most localization algorithms (observed data are independent). In response to this challenge, we developed a new localization algorithm for the International Seismological Center, which takes into account the relative error structure. We use the standard seismograms of all IASPEI models that have valid travel-time predictions in the ak135 model to obtain more accurate event location. In this paper, we describe a new method of locating international centers of seismic data. To test the reliability of this method, we use this method to relocate the true ground events in the ISFA reference event table The entire “International Seismological Center Bulletin” has been repositioned. Although our localization algorithm has only a small improvement, the improvement of the localization result is significant, especially in the determination of depth and in the analysis of more precise forms of uncertainty. We demonstrate a new localization algorithm; a considerable number of earthquake swarms have become tighter by the use of subsequent facies and deep solution tests; hence this algorithm provides an improved view of Earth’s seismicity.