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意境,是我国古典美学的一个重要范畴。历代美学家对它进行了精心的探求,从戏曲舞台美术的角度来说,我认为,意境则是在有限的舞台美术的物象之中,含蕴着的一种无限的表现造化自然的气韵生动的图景,能够触发观众产生一种深邃无限的人生感、历史感和宇宙感的艺术境界。由于舞台美术既具有独立性,更具有依附性的特点,它的特定含义固然可以在舞美物象中得到某种程度的体现,但它的全部内涵,则必须在整个舞台表演系统中才能得到展示。对于意境这种深层的精妙的艺术境界的建构,更需要舞台美术的物象与演员的表演、音乐的伴奏,以及整个舞台调度等诸多因素的协调配合,相互辉映,融汇成一个有机的舞台表演整体。同时,这种艺术境界的创现,不能仅仅停留在舞台上,它必须幻化于观众的心灵之中。它是创作主体与审美主体在剧场共同创造的结果。因此,舞台艺术意境的创构经历了一个取境、状境和创境的过程。如何将舞台美术由仅仅是标明故事发生的时间、地点,勾勒人物身份,渲染剧情氛围的具体物象,升华成为具有深遽高妙的美学旨趣的意境,是当前戏曲舞美创新的重要课题。不少舞美创作者正在孜孜矻矻地寻求通往这种最高审美理想的艺术途径。 Artistic conception is an important category of classical aesthetics in our country. From the perspectives of opera stage art, I think the artistic conception is an infinite manifestation of the boundless beauty of the stage in the images of limited stage art. Scene, can trigger the audience to produce a profound and infinite sense of life, the sense of history and sense of the universe of art. Because the stage art is both independent and more dependent, its specific meaning can be reflected to some extent in the imagery of dance and beauty. However, its entire connotation must be displayed in the entire stage performance system. For the construction of artistic subtle artistic realm such as mood, it is more necessary to coordinate the image of stage art with the performance of performers, accompaniment of music, and the entire stage scheduling and other factors, embracing each other into an organic stage performance overall. At the same time, the creation of this artistic realm can not stop at the stage, it must be turned into the mind of the audience. It is the result of co-creation between the creative subject and the aesthetic body in the theater. Therefore, the creation of stage artistic conception has undergone a process of obtaining territory, state and environment. How to sublimate the stage art from a mere sense of time, place, and identity that depict the identity of the story and render the atmosphere of the storyline into an artistic conception of deep and subtle beauty is an important issue in the current stage of opera’s aesthetic innovation. Many choreographers are working diligently to find the art path to this supreme aesthetic ideal.
楼下的菜摊邻近街道,人来人往,好不热闹。今天下班下得晚,我没去超市,也没去菜市场,图方便,在楼下菜摊买算了。  因为晚的原因,菜摊前的人并不多,不过,菜也所剩无几了。我在剩余的几样菜中选来选去,这时,清脆的铃声响起,我下意识地抬起头,噢,原来是收废品的阿姨踩着三轮车,她在提醒路边的人注意她的车。在菜摊面前,她停住了三轮车,不用说,她也是来买菜的。我选好菜,付完钱,转身正要离去,此时,我下意识地望了
张岚,山东临沂市作家协会副主席,曾多次获得全国文学大赛一等奖,出版专著5本,与其他四位女子散文家一起被誉为“沂蒙五朵金花”。她早年丧夫,为公婆、父母养老送终,还成为“小美”女儿的“铁杆闺蜜”。张岚以新著《岁月凝香》作为女儿的陪嫁,女儿则以惯有的默契安慰“大美”。这对沂蒙母女逆境中的坚忍不拔和乐观向上,像一首歌,荡气回肠,感人至深。  妈妈一片苦心,新书作嫁妆  2015年8月10日。山东蒙山脚下的
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愁上心头,  都是微信惹的祸  不知何时,儿子竟成了大小伙,这段日子学习总是萎靡不振,吃饭心不在焉,我与他搭话,也是经常有上句没下句的。  每个周六的下午都是儿子与同伴们踢足球的快乐时光,这个爱好已经陪伴他整整三四年了,可奇怪的是,这次,尽管伙伴们再三邀请,最后,儿子还是坚决地摇了摇头,转身回到自己的房间。  随着一声“咣当”的关门声,客厅里只剩下一脸茫然的我。“或许孩子懂事了,知道学习的重要性了
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