
来源 :浙江肿瘤通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongerxingfu
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[病例报告]患者女,32岁,农民。发现右侧腹股沟无痛性肿块半年于1989年1月31日入院。肿块初起如拇指末节大小,并可推动.后渐增至鸡蛋大小。不伴腹痛、腹胀.发热、乏力等症.无粘液、脓血便,无黑便、无里急后重,大便1次/日.无血尿。在当地医院作肿块切取活检,病理报告“转移性腺癌”.检查:营养中等。T36.5℃,P80次/分,BP17/10.21kPa。锁骨上淋巴结未及,甲状腺无肿大。心肺无殊。腹平软,无压痛,来及肿块.肝脾肋下未及.肛指及妇科检查无异常.右腹股沟韧带稍下可及一与之平行的长形肿块,约6×3×2cm大小。固定,无压痛,边界清,无搏动。辅助检查:Hb115g/L,WBC4.2×10~9/L,中性66%,淋巴30%。肝肾功能正常.尿常规无异常。粪潜血(+)。胸片示心肺膈无殊。腹部B超;提示直肠窝可见少量液体,腹内末探及肿块。 [Case Report] Female patient, 32 years old, farmer. It was found that the painless mass of the right inguinal was admitted to hospital on January 31, 1989. The size of the beginning of the lumps, such as the size of the distal segment of the thumb, can be increased and then gradually increased to the size of the egg. No abdominal pain, abdominal distension, fever, fatigue embolism, no mucus, pus and blood, no melena, no urgency, weight, stool 1 time/day, no hematuria. A biopsy was performed on a lump in a local hospital. Pathology reported “metastatic adenocarcinoma.” Check: Moderate nutrition. T36.5°C, P80 beats/minute, BP17/10.21kPa. No supraclavicular lymph nodes and no thyroid enlargement. No special cardiopulmonary. Abdomen soft, no tenderness, and lump. Liver and spleen ribs not. Anal finger and gynecological examination without exception. The right inguinal ligament is slightly below and a parallel to the long lump, about 6 × 3 × 2cm size. Fixed, no tenderness, clear borders, no pulsation. Auxiliary examination: Hb115g/L, WBC 4.2×10~9/L, neutral 66%, lymph 30%. Normal liver and kidney function. No abnormal urine routine. Fecal occult blood (+). Chest radiographs show no difference between heart and lungs. Abdominal B-ultrasound; prompted a small amount of fluid in the rectal fossa, intraperitoneal exploration and lump.
长骨成釉细胞瘤是罕见新生物,占恶性原发骨肿瘤1%以下。曾报道过150冽,90% Long bone ameloblastoma is a rare new organism, accounting for less than 1% of malignant
IL-2是含有133个氨基酸分子的糖蛋白。其基因位于第4对染色体长臂。IL-2可诱导LAK 细胞生成,抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,它与IFN-χ,β及TNF 等联合应用,明显增强IFN-α,β及TNF 的
循环免疫复合物(IC)的出现,可能与机体的慢性免疫应答有关。恶性肿瘤患者也往往可以查到循环IC。至于肿瘤患者的循环IC 水平与各种免疫球蛋白(Ig)含量的关系,迄今还不完全清