医生常常告诉患者,多种药同时服必须十分当心。一些药物与其他药物同服时会产生十分有害的后果。这就是药物的相互作用。很多人都知道药物相克的危害性,然而维生素与食物相克并不是人人皆知。 服维生素AD忌食米汤 鱼肝油主要含有维生素A和维生素D,其中维生素A的含量是维生素D的10倍。小儿缺钙服用鱼肝油滴剂时,有的家长会把滴剂放入米汤同服。这是不科学的。因米汤中含有一种
Doctors often tell patients that multiple medicines must be taken very carefully at the same time. Some medicines have very devastating consequences when used in the same fashion as other medicines. This is the drug’s interaction. Many people know the dangers of drugs, but vitamin and food is not well known. Take vitamin AD diet rice soup cod liver oil contains mainly vitamin A and vitamin D, vitamin A content is 10 times that of vitamin D. Pediatric calcium deficiency when taking cod liver oil drops, some parents will drop into the rice soup with the service. This is unscientific. Because of a soup containing rice