全球每年约有近2000万人发生突发性心脏事件,这包括急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)和心源性猝死(suddencardiac death)。研究表明,其中60%~70%的ACS是因轻到中度动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂并继发血栓形成及心肌梗死所致[1]。斑块的稳定性是影响ACS发生和发展的主要决定性因素。自1844年第一次对斑块破裂进行
Approximately 20 million people worldwide experience sudden cardiac events each year, including acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and sudden cardiac cancer death. Studies have shown that 60% to 70% of ACS is due to mild to moderate atherosclerotic plaque rupture and secondary to thrombosis and myocardial infarction [1]. Plaque stability is the main determinant of ACS occurrence and development. The first rupture of the plaque since 1844