经过激烈的角逐,上海市计算机病毒防范服务中心的招标活动日前尘埃落定:最终,方正科技软件旗下的方通防火墙击败众多竞争对手,拨得头筹。 此次公开招标吸引了几乎国内外所有著名品牌的参与,竞争空前激烈。方正科技软件经过反复研究并结合中心的实际情况推荐了方通1000防火墙。这是一款基于专用的芯片级硬件开发
After fierce competition, the bidding activities of the Shanghai Computer Virus Prevention Service Center have settled: In the end, the Fangtong firewall of Founder Technology Software beat many competitors and won the top spot. This open tender attracted the participation of almost all famous brands at home and abroad, and the competition was unprecedentedly fierce. Founder technology software has repeatedly studied and combined with the actual situation of the center recommended Fangtong 1000 firewall. This is a dedicated chip-level hardware development