正当世界经济增长步伐加速之际,世界银行行长詹姆斯·沃尔芬森却表现出某些担忧,认为单靠经济增长并不足以减少贫困。 沃尔芬森在法国《回声报》5日刊登的该报对他的一次专访中说,“由于经济增长强劲,人们忘记了两件事:结构改革的重要性和与贫困作斗争的紧迫性”。他认为
While the pace of world economic growth is accelerating, World Bank President James Wolfensohn has some worries that economic growth alone is not enough to reduce poverty. Wolfensohn told an interview with him in the French newspaper Echo on the 5th: “People have forgotten two things due to the strong economic growth: the importance of structural reforms and the urgency of fighting against poverty ”. he thinks