
来源 :古建园林技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solofly123
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在广州城区西南角,有一个面积仅0.3平方公里的椭圆形小岛,绿树的掩映使之像一块翡翠镶嵌在珠江岸边,她就是建国前英、法等国在广州的租界——沙面。租界,是近代帝国主义列强对中国进行侵略的基地。1857年英法侵略者盯上了沙面,1861年9月3日,广东官员劳崇光代表清政府与列强签订了租约,从此,沙面成为我国最早的租界之一,甚至在入口处树立起 In the southwest corner of Guangzhou City, there is an oval island with an area of ​​only 0.3 square kilometers. The setting of green trees makes it look like an emerald inlaid on the banks of the Pearl River. She is the concession in Guangzhou of Britain and France before the founding of the People's Republic of China. surface. The concession is the base for the aggression by the imperialist powers in modern China against China. In 1857, the British and French invaders stared at Shamian. On September 3, 1861, Lao Chongguang, an official of Guangdong, signed a lease on behalf of the Qing government and Lenin. Since then, Shamian has become one of the earliest concessions in our country and even established at the entrance