北京晋商博物馆 以义为利得以行天下

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在明清500多年间(公元1368年—1912年)有一群山西商人,以经营票号、盐业、茶业等为主,富可敌国,名闻天下,他们就是明清十大商帮当中最著名、最成功的两个商帮之一的晋商。八国联军向中国索要赔款,慈禧太后掌权的清政府就向晋商的乔家借钱还国债,可见晋商的经济实力。有这样一座博物馆,不仅讲述了自己的成长发展经历,而且还把他们成功的秘诀公之于众,它就是位于通惠河畔的北京晋商博物馆。 In the Ming and Qing dynasties over 500 years (AD 1368 - 1912), there were a group of Shanxi merchants operating mainly in ticket numbers, salt industry and tea industry. They were rich and powerful and famous all over the world. They were among the top ten businessmen in the Ming and Qing dynasties Shanxi Merchants, one of the most famous and the most successful of the two businesses. The Eight-Power Allied Forces claims for compensation from China. The Qing government, which Empress Dowager Cixi took over, borrowed money from the Qiao family in the Shanxi merchants to see the economic strength of the Shanxi merchants. There is such a museum, not only about their own growth and development experience, but also to publicize the secret of their success, it is located in the Tonghui River, Beijing Jin Merchants Museum.