有签名和没有签名就是不—样:一个邮件的签名可以提供关于自己的更详细的信息,另外,使用邮件的签名功能,就不需要每次输入自己的名字、邮件地址、QQ号码等信息了。懒人加聪明人喜欢使用签名功能。 会“做秀”的签名和普通的签名也不一样:一个枯燥无味的签名怎么可以和有“声”有“色”的签名相比呢?当别人收到你的邮件,同时也看到了你的自选头像,听到了悦耳的音乐,是不是就对你有了更深刻的印象,起到了“未见其人,先闻其声”的效果? 签名就是“做秀”,我们就是要“秀”出自我,“秀”出特色。
Signed and unsigned is not - like: a mail signature can provide more detailed information on their own, in addition, the use of e-mail signature feature, you do not need to enter your name, e-mail address, QQ number and other information . Lazy plus smart people like to use the signature feature. Signatures that do “show” are not the same as ordinary signatures: how does a boring signature compare with a “colored” signature? When someone else receives your email, it also sees you Self-selected avatars, hear the melodious music, is not to have a more profound impression on you, played a “no one else, first heard the sound” effect? 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 聽聽 signature is “show”, we are to “show” Out of me, “show” a feature.