市场是千变万化的。市场的变化给营销带来机会,也带来风险和考验。要想进行成功的营销,必须顺应变化,讲究营销策略。 一、谁是你的目标消费群? 每个企业的每一种产品都必须确定目标消费群,也就是你的产品销售对象是哪些人。要充分了解这些特定的消费者是什么身份,属于何种性别、年龄、职业收入,他们具有何种消费特征,有何喜恶,购买动机是什么,等等。一
The market is ever-changing. Changes in the market bring opportunities to marketing, but also bring risks and trials. To succeed in marketing, you must adapt to changes and stress marketing strategies. 1. Who is your target consumer group? Each product of each company must identify the target consumer group, which is the person you sell your product to. It is necessary to fully understand the identity of these specific consumers, what gender, age, and occupation income they have, what kind of consumer characteristics they have, what they like, what they are motivated to buy, and so on. one