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全世界都在感受着中国经济快速成长的步伐。从1978年到2004年,中国已经连续26年GDP年均增长率超过9%。然而,一位留学日本多年、名叫钟庆的年轻人对此却不以为然。这位数月前还不为人所知的工科博士,近日因其新作《刷盘子还是读书?——反思中日强国之路》一书的出版开始在国内知识界崭露头角。他的《刷盘子还是读书》也被认为是继《现代化的陷阱》之后,反思中国改革之路的又一部力作。他认为,从上世纪90年代后,指导中国改革的战略设计出现了重大失误。 The world is feeling the pace of rapid economic growth in China. From 1978 to 2004, China had an average annual growth rate of more than 9% in 26 consecutive years of GDP. However, a young man studying in Japan for many years, named Zhong Qing, disagreed with that. Recently, the doctor of engineering, who was not yet known a few months ago, started to emerge in the domestic intelligentsia for the publication of his new book, Brush Dishes or Reading? His “brush plate or reading book” is also considered as the second masterpiece of the path of China’s reform after the “trap of modernization.” He believes that since the 1990s, there have been major mistakes in the strategic design of guiding China’s reform.
转化考题4?以“亮”为话题作文  (2015年浙江宁波中考作文)  只要心中还有光亮  昨天开了家长会,坐在教室里,我似乎听到家长在窃窃私语,我也可以想象你涨红着脸低下了头。我的眼睛因为视网膜脱落而失明,我需要在你的陪同下,拄着拐杖摸索到你的座位上,太“起眼”了,不是吗?但是,孩子,我为什么要来?因为我爱你。我想告诉你,虽然我见不到这个世界,但我有能力爱我的孩子。每天晚上在燈下,陪伴我的是那些没有