自 1996年 10月来 ,应用输尿管镜治疗输尿管结石 14 8例 ,其中治疗输尿管石街 18例 ,并发急性肾功能衰竭 4例 ,疗效满意 ,报告如下。1 资料与方法1·1 临床资料 本组 4例 ,男女各 2例 ,年龄 32~ 4 7岁 ,平均 36 8岁。均为一侧输尿管石街 ,左侧 3例 ,右侧 1例 ;石街位于下?
Since October 1996, the application of ureteroscopic treatment of ureteral calculi in 14 of 8 cases, including the treatment of ureteral stone Street in 18 cases, complicated by acute renal failure in 4 cases, the results are satisfactory, the report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data of this group of 4 patients, 2 males and 2 females, aged 32 to 47 years old, with an average of 368 years old. Side ureter stone street, left in 3 cases, right in 1 case; Stone Street is located in the next?