
来源 :苏南乡镇企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimin0609
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乡镇工业公司,又称工业办公室,乡镇企业管理站,是乡镇主管工业的职能部门,它处在乡镇工业的前沿,担负着指导、管理、监督、协调和服务于乡镇企业的重任。过去,乡镇工业公司为乡镇企业的异军突起发挥了不可替代的作用,但随着形势的发展,乡镇工业公司遇到了许多难题,这些难题严重影响了公司自身建设和职能作用的发挥,同时也影响了乡镇工业的健康发展。一、政企单线联系,公司监督管理难对乡镇企业的监督和管理是乡镇工业公司的职责,企业对公司负责,公司对政府负责,这是正常的办事程序,但在实际工作中,这种程序发生了变化。很多乡镇企业,特别是效益好的、规模大的企业往往成了党委政府的直管单位。有过乡镇工作经验的人都知道,企业一旦被直管,好景就不长。公司人员心中虽有抱怨,但也无可奈何,只好忍气吞声靠边站,可这就为企业走向衰败埋下了隐患。某镇一企业技改扩能,工业公司发现其财务混乱,投入近千万元没有建帐,就多次敦促企业建帐并向领导汇报。岂知企业置若罔闻,领导也泰然处之。后来县反贪局接到举报追查下来,才发现多名局级干部与之有牵连,而此时的企业已负债累累,举步艰难。 Township industry companies, also known as industrial offices and township enterprise management stations, are the functional departments of the township-in-charge industry. They are at the forefront of township and township industries, and are responsible for guiding, managing, supervising, coordinating and serving the township and village enterprises. In the past, township industrial companies played an irreplaceable role in the sudden emergence of township and village enterprises. However, with the development of the situation, township industrial companies have encountered many difficulties. These problems have seriously affected the construction of the company itself and the functioning of its functions. It has also affected The healthy development of township industry. First, the government-enterprise single-line contact, the supervision and management of the company is difficult to monitor and manage the township and village enterprises is the responsibility of the township industrial company, the company responsible for the company, the company responsible to the government, this is a normal procedure, but in actual work, this kind of The program has changed. Many township and village enterprises, especially those with good efficiency and large scale, have often become the direct management units of the party committee and government. People who have had work experience in township and townships all know that if the company is directly managed, it will not last long. Although there are complaints in the minds of the company’s staff, they have no alternative but to stand by and stand by, but this leaves a hidden danger for the decline of the company. In a town where a company has been technologically upgraded, the industrial company has discovered financial confusion and invested nearly ten million yuan without establishing an account. On many occasions, it has urged enterprises to establish accounts and report to leaders. If you know that companies have turned a deaf ear, leaders are taking it easy. Later, the county Anti-Corruption Bureau received a report and traced it down, only to find that several bureau-level cadres were implicated in it. At this time, the company was heavily indebted and was struggling.
参与“离电视机远一点”主题活动,家长们也写下了自己的反思。  一天,我用手机收看电视时,女儿也凑上小脑袋。我一边躲闪一边催她去睡觉。女儿反驳:“你不也在看电视!”  这时,我想起刘良华教授的话:“父母有时抱怨自己的孩子看电视的时间太多,其实,凡是家里有一个看电视的‘小东西’,这个家里一定有一个或几个看电视的‘老东西’。”  在与电视剧争夺孩子的“战争”中,我发现唯一的办法就是,家长以身作则,不要沉
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