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周午生艺术简历周午生,祖籍河北任丘,2000年毕业于天津美术学院中国画系,并留校任教。作品曾在北京、上海、天津、广州、兰州、台湾地区,日本、韩国展出并在相关报刊发表。出版有《周午生画选》、《当代中国画坛十家精粹——周午生卷》、《当代名家工笔花鸟——周午生卷》、《中国当代画家周午生专辑》。1999年《白头春浅》入选中国当代牡丹书画艺术大展,《雪》入选全国第二届中国花鸟画展览。2001年《幽谷先春》获天津市首届花鸟画大展银奖。2002年《满园清》获纪念《毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美术作品展览银奖。《娇艳醉色》参加大陆高等美术院校毕业生作品赴台展览。2003年《满园清之二》参加首届中国北京国际美术双年展全国当代花鸟画艺术大展并获银奖。2004年《竹石图》参加全国梅兰竹菊中国画大展。2005年在中国美协大连美术馆举办天津美术学院青年教师三人展。获天津青年艺术节十佳优秀青年艺术家称号。《晨露湿新装》参加2005全国当代名家邀请展。2006年参加纪念红军长征胜利70周年中国画名家邀请展《岁朝昌和》参加2006韩国青年双年展《松鹰图》参加日本国际现代美术展。 Zhou Xiaosheng Artistic Resume Zhou Xiaosheng, ancestral native of Renqiu, Hebei Province, graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2000 and stayed on for teaching. His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Lanzhou, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and published in related newspapers and periodicals. He has published “Zhou Wu Sheng’s Paintings”, “Contemporary Chinese Paintings Ten Essences - Zhou Wu Sheng Volume”, “Contemporary Famous Artists” - “Zhou Wu Sheng Volume”, and “Chinese contemporary artist Zhou Xiaosheng’s album”. In 1999 “white spring” selected the Chinese Contemporary Peony painting and calligraphy art exhibition, “snow” selected the second national exhibition of Chinese birds and flowers. 2001 “Spring Valley” won the first Tianjin Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition Silver Award. In 2002, “Man Yuan Qing” won the Silver Medal for the 60th Anniversary of the National Art Exhibition in commemoration of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art. “Delicate Yan drunk color” to participate in higher art graduates from mainland China to Taiwan exhibition. In 2003, “Full Garden Qing II” to participate in the first Beijing International Art Biennale of China contemporary art exhibition of birds and flowers won the silver medal. 2004 “Bamboo Figure” participated in the Chinese Merlin Zhu Ju Chinese painting exhibition. In 2005 in China Art Association of Dalian Art Museum Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts youth teachers held three. Won the Tianjin Youth Festival top ten outstanding young artist title. “Morning dew wet new equipment” to participate in the 2005 National Contemporary famous invitation exhibition. In 2006 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Red Army Long March 70th anniversary of the famous Chinese painting invitational exhibition “Changchao years” to participate in the 2006 Korean Youth Biennial “Song Ying map” to participate in the Japan International Modern Art Exhibition.