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温度、降水和光照等气象条件在葡萄种植过程中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。基于此,依据四川省眉山市彭山区多年的气象观测资料,针对葡萄的生长特性,探讨适宜葡萄种植的农业气象条件,并针对彭山区常见的气象灾害提出有效的灾害防御对策,以供参考。 Meteorological conditions such as temperature, precipitation and light play an irreplaceable important role in the grape growing process. Based on the meteorological observation data of Pengshan District in Meishan City of Sichuan Province for many years, aiming at the growth characteristics of grapes, the agrometeorological conditions suitable for grape planting are explored, and the effective disaster prevention measures for common meteorological disasters in Pengshan District are proposed for reference.
牛市进入下半场,还能买基金吗?相信这是此刻很多基民面临的困惑。一边是震荡中不断创新高的股指、一边是上百只在发基金的扎堆上柜,让很多跑不赢股指的投资者继续将目光瞄向了基金。虽然主流观点都认为牛市的走势仍在途中,但牛市中的震荡也在所难免。此时如何才能做一个聪明的投资者?下半年,哪些基金更该入投资者的“法眼”呢?  防御最佳:医药主题基金  A股市场投资板块中,最具防御性的主题板块便是医药,医药行业主题