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通过对钢中氢导致的结晶器频繁黏结的原因分析,提出并实施了避免钢中增氢的预防措施,有效地遏制了频繁黏结现象,提高了铸坯合格率,减少了非计划停机及漏钢事故的发生。 Based on the analysis of the causes of frequent cementation of the mold caused by hydrogen in steel, precautionary measures to avoid the hydrogen in steel are proposed and implemented, which can effectively prevent the phenomenon of frequent bond, improve the yield rate of slab, reduce the unplanned downtime and leakage Steel Accident.
“探究影响滑动摩擦力大小的因素”实验是初中物理力学中重要的实验,其中“实验原理”、“设计并进行实验”、“分析论证”是本实验的重点,“设计并进行实验”是本实验的难点。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装