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  Taylor Lautner fought to hold on to the role of Jacob
  Black, Bella’s guy pal in New Moon. The 17-year-old needed to increase his body size to fit the role of the werewolf[狼人] in the second installment[部分] of The Twilight Saga. The first time you see him wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts, you’ll know he was up to the task.
  Lautner said that competing with Edward for Bella’s affection[爱情] was the real challenge.
  It’s not easy being in the middle of a love triangle.
  “Bella is pulled between these two guys who are completely opposite and mortal[不共戴天的] enemies. How do you choose? I honestly think it just depends on what kind of girl you are. I personally love Jacob and Bella’s
  relationship – how they begin as best friends and it starts to grow into something more. But both guys are always going to be there for Bella. So I guess it just comes down to what kind of guy you like – a werewolf or a vampire.”
  The big makeover.
  “My trainer was like a sculptor[雕刻家]. He was going, ‘I want this bicep[二头肌] to peak more.’ He was very detail-oriented[以……为目的的]. The hardest thing was the diet I was on, while getting in the gym and pumping up[把……加大]
  was easy. I had to consume[吃,喝] at least 3200 calories a day just to maintain my weight. Putting something in your mouth every two hours is difficult. I was going from meeting to meeting, so there was no time for eating. I would have to carry a little bag full of beef patties[小馅饼], raw almonds[杏仁] and sweet potatoes. I mean, it wasn’t like eating ice cream and cake every two hours.”
  Well, he thought it was funny.
  “Seriously, I start laughing so hard every time I see the scene where I take off my shirt to wipe the blood off Bella’s face after she crashes her motorbike. I’m like, ‘Oh, you’re bleeding, let me fix it.’ It was so
  embarrassing. But in other scenes, there’s a reason why Jacob is half-naked. When he transforms into a werewolf all his clothes get shredded[撕碎]. And he doesn’t need a lot to wear anyway because he’s also hot – his body temperature is 108 degrees.”
  The downside of playing a hot guy.
  “We were filming in the Pacific Northwest in March, so it was freezing. There was a scene in the rain when it was like 35 degrees and it wasn’t real rain. They were spraying us from a rain tower, which came straight from a spring so it was ice-cold. All I was wearing was a pair of jean shorts and I was freezing to death. But, Jacob is hot, so he can’t look cold. That was the big
  What’s he looking forward to in Eclipse.
  “It was my favorite book, so I was really excited. I just love that it’s the height of the love triangle, because Edward,
  Jacob and Bella are physically together. It has one of my favorite scenes ever when we’re all in a tent together. Bella is on the verge of[濒临于] hypothermia[体温过低], so Edward let her sleep in my sleeping bag so she won’t
  die. I guess that’s the advantage of having a body
  temperature of 108 degrees. But, Edward is in the tent right next to us. It’s a funny scene.”
  Looking ahead to passing the big one-eight.
  “My upcoming 18th birthday will be a big day.
  I’m having the time of my life, so it couldn’t be a
  better end to my teenage years. I’m doing what I love and
  I’m spending time with the people I love, so it’s great. I’m definitely never ever going to forget this time in my life.”
双亲的车祸改变了埃琳娜的人生。正当她尝试从丧亲之痛中重新站起来的时候,学校里出现了一名神秘的转学生。这个名叫斯特凡的男生背负着一个重大的秘密——他其实是出身于这个小镇的吸血鬼!随着斯特凡的到来,一连串变故将看似平静的小镇生活彻底打乱……  湿气弥漫的小镇、美丽的女孩以及英俊的吸血鬼——所有一切都让人无法不将美国这一季其中一部最受关注的新电视剧《吸血鬼日记》和“暮光之城”系列联系到一起。但这可不是一
每年农历大年初一,小编必做的事情之一,就是陪母亲大人坐在电视机前听堪舆学家点评来年各生肖运程。虽然不会照单全收,但小编还是听得津津有味。中国文化博大精深,56个民族又各有习俗,对于传承千年的文化传统“什么都略懂一点,生活更精彩一些”。中文的生肖解说我们看得多了,这次来看看外国人是怎么解释十二生肖吧!^_^    Chinese tradition says a different animal r
She knows it’s time  To say goodbye  To all that she wanted  For all that she love    Devotes her mind  To thoughts divine[神圣的]  For all that she needed  And all that she love    Recites[背] the lines 
相信大家对希腊神话一定不陌生:凄美动人的爱情故事、壮美雄阔的战争场景……  希腊神话是希腊人将世界理想化、把社会诗歌化、把人生艺术化的艺术表现,不但奠定了日后希腊文明的基础,也是西方文学艺术作品几千年来的灵感之源,是研究西方文艺的必经之路。希腊神话和传说中最有名的故事有特洛伊战争、奥德修斯的游历、伊阿宋寻找金羊毛、赫拉克勒斯的功绩、忒修斯的冒险和俄狄浦斯的悲剧等。现在,就让我们来听听奥德修斯的故事
想吃上最地道的北京传统小吃?想尽情沉浸在春节的气氛当中?去逛庙会吧。  每年春节期间,北京城里都会举办大大小小各种庙会,吸引大批中外游人。在庙会中,你可以吃到传统  小吃,欣赏手艺绝活和文艺表演。虽然人潮涌动,你挤我拥,但这才是过年应有的热闹!  在北京的老外又是怎样游庙会的呢?本文作者向我们讲述了她快乐的庙会一日游。看着作者兴高采烈的  样子,从未去过庙会的小编真是羡慕不已!赶紧许下愿望,希望某
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无论在语文课还是英语课上,我们都学习过不少寄情于景的文章,以下也是一篇将心情与环境巧妙地融合在一起的文章。“我”跟随妈妈来到一个陌生的地方,那里怪里怪气、冷冷清清的,就像屋外的暴风雪,让人捉摸不透、抑郁不安。本文语言简单,描写细腻,同学们不妨学习一下作者如何将“我”对突如其来的新环境产生的陌生、害怕又无可奈何的感觉融入到环境的描写当中。    When we got to the strange