在火灾调查和火灾案件的处理中 ,只有经过分析鉴定 ,具有证明作用的物证才能作为认定火灾原因、火灾性质和处理火灾案件及火灾责任者的依据和相应司法诉讼的证据。本文详细介绍了火灾物证分析鉴定的任务、特点、意义、实施及相关鉴定技术。
In the investigation of fires and the handling of fire cases, only evidences proved by analysis and evidence can serve as evidence of the cause of fire, the nature of the fire, the basis for handling fire cases and the persons responsible for the fire and the corresponding judicial proceedings. This paper introduces the tasks, characteristics, significance, implementation and related identification techniques of fire evidence identification in detail.