深圳特区建立20多年来,旅游业发展从无到有,从小到大,现已成为深圳国民经济中的重要支柱产业之一和新的经济增长点。2003年,深圳市旅游业虽然遭遇到了前所未有的“非典”影响,但深圳接待国内外游客仍达到4283.60万人次。实现旅游总收入294.63亿元,相当于深圳市当年国内生产总值的10.30%,相当于当年第三产业国内生产总值的25.47%。深圳已崛起成为一座现代化的中国优秀旅游城市和中国重要的旅游创汇基地之一。 随着信息技术的发展,旅游业与互联网的关系日渐紧密,不仅网络服务内容在旅游资讯方面更加丰富充实,而且,旅游电子商务也渐成热点,旅游电子商务的发展,展现和提升了“网络”和“旅游”的价值,具有营运成本低、用户范围广、无时空限制以及能同用户直接交流等特点,提供了更加个性化、人性化的服务。深圳旅游业要想取得长足发展,发展旅游电子商务势在必然。 一、深圳旅游电子商务发展现状 对于旅游界来说,旅游电子商务、旅游网站已不是个陌生的
For more than 20 years since the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the development of tourism has grown from nothing to small and large, and has now become one of the important pillar industries and a new economic growth point in the national economy of Shenzhen. In 2003, despite the unprecedented “SARS” in tourism in Shenzhen, Shenzhen still received 42,836,000 tourists from home and abroad. The total tourism revenue was 29.463 billion yuan, equivalent to 10.30% of the GDP of Shenzhen in that year, equivalent to 25.47% of the gross domestic product of the tertiary industry in that year. Shenzhen has become a modern Chinese excellent tourist city and one of China’s major tourism foreign exchange earning bases. With the development of information technology, the relationship between tourism and the Internet is getting closer. Not only network services are enriched and enriched in tourism information, but also the development of tourism e-commerce has become a hot spot. The development of tourism e-commerce has shown and promoted “ ”And“ travel ”value, with low operating costs, a wide range of users, no space-time constraints and direct communication with users and other characteristics, providing a more personalized, personalized service. Shenzhen tourism industry to achieve rapid development, the development of tourism e-commerce is inevitable. First, the development status of Shenzhen tourism e-commerce For the tourism industry, travel e-commerce, travel website is not a stranger