目的 联合宽波和窄波胃电刺激预防性治疗血管加压素所致的犬胃电节律紊乱和呕吐症状及其作用机制。方法 15条雌性Hound狗于胃大弯侧植入 3对电极 ,其中 5条犬行迷走神经干离断术 ,实验共分3个部分 ,实验 1所有的犬仅给予血管加压素注射 ,实验 2于近端电极 1和 2上分别给予宽
Objective To investigate the preventive and therapeutic mechanism of vasopressin-induced electrical disturbance of vomitus and vomiting induced by vasopressin by wide-wave and narrow-wave gastric electrical stimulation. METHODS: Fifteen female Hound dogs were implanted with 3 pairs of electrodes on the greater curvature side of the stomach. Five dogs were operated with vagotomy. The experiment was divided into three parts. In experiment 1, all dogs were injected with only vasopressin. Experiment 2 The proximal electrodes 1 and 2 are respectively given a wide width