
来源 :中共山西省委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yesheng1991
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推进文化体制改革,有利于更好地解放和发展文化生产力,满足人民群众多层次、多样化的精神文化需求,加强党的执政能力建设,更好地构建社会主义和谐社会。随着近年来我国文化领域深层次问题的凸显,推进文化体制改革显得极为迫切,需要转变政府职能,建立新型文化管理体制;加快优化文化资源配置机制改革;健全文化市场体系;加强文化体制改革的配套建设。 Promoting the reform of the cultural system is conducive to liberating and developing the productive forces of the economy better, meeting the needs of the masses and diversified spiritual and cultural needs, strengthening the building of the party’s governing ability and building a better socialist harmonious society. With the highlighting of the deep-seated problems in the field of culture in recent years, it is extremely urgent to promote the reform of the cultural system. It is necessary to change the functions of the government and establish a new culture management system. We must speed up the reform of the allocation mechanism of cultural resources, improve the cultural market system, and strengthen the reform of the cultural system Supporting construction.
【摘 要】公路是经济的纽带,任何一个发达国家都必然拥有发达的公路系统,一个公路四通八达的国家想不富强都不可能。高等级公路由于其等级高、车流大、车速快,因此质量问题相对而言更加重要。本文就对高等级公路工程建设过程中的质量管理问题以加探讨,以期对高等级公路工程建设界的同仁们有所帮助。  【关键词】高等级公路;建设;质量;管理;浅谈;工程  引言  十八大提出了发展经济建设的宏伟目标,在十八大的精神的感